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Colour My Life Colouring Book – My Family

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A4 colouring book with 20 pictures

Theme : My Family


Colour My Life Colouring Books have been designed as a therapeutic tool for children and teens. The pictures in each book explore positive and negative aspects of the theme.

For example: in the ‘My Friends’ colouring book, there are pictures about closeness, belonging, acceptance and bullying. In the ‘My School’ there are pictures about awards, achievement, class participation, break time, friendship, orals etc. in ‘My Family’ there are pictures of different types of families, family closeness, separation, divorce, step families, substance abuse. Examples in the ‘About Me’ book are of self-esteem, superpowers, strengths, family, siblings, pets, hobbies and interests.

Each image allows for imagination and creativity. The child using the picture can choose their own colours to fill the picture or they can write words into the different parts of the picture that describe what is happening or how they feeling about that part of the picture. They can also take a black marker and change the picture to how they prefer it to be or how it might relate better to their lives.

There is a list of open ended questions in each book that can be used to explore and encourage a dialogue about the picture being coloured.

I’m super excited about this project and I believe it’ll be a great tool in the therapy room 😊



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